Monday 28 May 2012


The nails require little care except being cut and cleaned as dictated by social custom, which varies greatly. Nails grow out of a bed of skin beneath them and the cuticle in which they are imbedded. Infections at this margin sometimes occur. If serious, they require medical attention. Nail polish should be kept out of the cuticle. "Hangnails" should be snipped, not pulled off. Ingrown toenails can usually be avoided by cutting the nails straight across.

In summary: We have devoted this chapter to the crucial sense organs of the human being eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. We have also pointed out the numerous other bodily functions these sense organs perform and have discussed the special care and at­tention each requires. A satisfactory feeling of personal fitness can hardly be achieved if these special sense organs are abused or neg­lected. The brain, of course, interprets and gives meaning to the responses of the spe­cialized end-plates of the sense organs. To the extent that these end-plates fail to respond to the great variety of external stimuli in the human environment, a man or woman is robbed of sensations that give value to life.

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