Like the skin,
the hair and nails are part of the tegumentary system of the body. We shall
therefore discuss them briefly here. They are not sense organs, although the
hair, as noted, is highly sensitive even to a light touch.
distribution and growth of hair on the head and on the body are definitely
linked to
the endocrine
tides of life. Hair growth is overt evidence of secondary sex characteristics,
and its relationship to sexual attractiveness is commonly recognized. The Biblical
story of Samson and Delilah demonstrates how ancient is the concept that hair
means strength and cutting it, loss of essential manhood or womanhood.
The emotions
involved with human hair have given rise in our time to a number of
commercially inspired superstitions which are costly nonsense. The brand of
soap or oil used on the hair is usually irrelevant to simple proper hair care.
Too frequent washing may remove essential oils. The hair is cleaned by combing
and brushing with a stiff brush. It is hygienically immaterial whether the hair
is waved and set with a "home permanent" or by a beauty-shop
No "Cure" for Baldness or Gray Hair
There is no
scientifically demonstrated "cure" for baldness (alopecia). The
receding hairline is apparently a hereditary characteristic transmitted
through mother to son. No hair tonic or "treatments" will restore
hair to the head that is bald by reason of hereditary tendency. The loss of
hair that occasionally follows acute diseases will, however, usually be made
up. Hair cells are not "starved" through lack of circulation in the
scalp, though stimulation of the scalp may possibly help to prevent premature
"cure" for gray hair has yet been discovered either. The color of
the hair is determined by the pigment in the cells of the central shaft of
the hair, which is no longer living tissue when it emerges from the hair
follicle. Gray hair, which lacks pigment, can be dyed to change its color, but
there is no known and practicable way of stimulating the production of hair
One type of cosmetic preparation that
must be used with special caution is the depilatory for removing unwanted hair.
Those which claim to "dissolve" the surface hairs may also same kind
of protein substance. The safest and surest way to remove unwanted hair is
with the electric needle in the hands of a competent technician under medical
supervision. The needle actually destroys the hair root. Other methods, such
as shaving, rubbing with pumice stone,
or yanking out with wax, do not.
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